Koyna Renovation Project

Key facts about FLOVEL RenServ unit.
1. Year of RenServ Unit setup: 2016
2. Segment Head: Mr. Anand Prakash, BE (Mech) 1994, MBA (Marketing): 2016
Anand has a total experience of 29 years, out of that 15 years in the Hydro (Renovation) business and has worked onsite across multiple countries in South East Asia, Europe and Africa. He is heading FLOVEL’s RenServ unit since 2016.
3. Total RenServ projects served by FLOVEL RenServ team: 48 projects, 141 Units, 2960 MW

FLOVEL is a full -line supplier for Hydropower plants-manufacturer of Hydraulic turbines, Governors, Excitation systems, SCADA, Valves and turnkey supplier of Electromechanical packages for Renovation and modernization services of Hydro Power plants.
FLOVEL, having more than 50 years of experience in Global Hydro Industry, has a state of the art manufacturing facility, design and Engineering centre with modern capabilities like reverse engineering, 3D modelling, retrofit solutions etc. is ideally placed to offer clients its customized solutions for Renovation, Modernization and uprating of any existing Hydro power plant. FLOVEL has set new benchmarks in implementation fitness, incessant focus on quality, customer satisfaction that has translated into sustainable benefits for our customers.
Scope Of Work & Services Offered
1. Plant Assessment
2. Reverse Engineering
3. Residual Life analysis
4. Feasibility studies
5. Risk Assessment
6. General Overhaul/Rehabilitation of complete plant including turbine, generator and related BOPs
7. HVOF coating and custom designed solutions for high silt content water.
8. Upgrading/Modernization of plant automation
9. Model Testing/CFD analysis/FEM analysis/vibration analysis
10. Performance testing
11. Spare parts management.
Koyna Renovation Project – 2023
FLOVEL has recently secured an order with Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd (MAHAGENCO), a reputed state-owned utility having installed capacity of more than 12,000 MW in the state of Maharashtra. The order was received for Koyna Stage II HEP Renovation in the month of March 2023 for Design, manufacture, supply of two nos. fully forged 6 Jet Pelton Runners for unit capacity 80 MW each.
Koyna HEP complex, a very prestigious scheme, comprises of four dams with 16 units installed of various capacities. The total installed capacity at Koyna HEP complex is 1,960 MW. This order has further enhanced FLOVEL’s wavelength in the Pelton Zone with previous highest unit capacity being 50 MW. Finished weight of each Runner is 9.8T (approx.). The order was bagged via a competitive bidding process facing tough competition from a major player ANDRITZ. This marks entry of FLOVEL in MAHAGENCO’s umbrella. Key Highlights are as below. The Runners shall be manufactured by FLOVEL’s State of the art technology.
The project key parameters are as follows:
Project: Koyna Stage II units
Capacity: 4 x 80 MW
No. of Runners: 2
Rated Head: 490 m
PCD/External dia: 2340/3011.4 mm
Rated /Runaway speed: 375/690 rpm
Discharge: 17.39 Cumecs
FLOVEL name has been synonymous with the hydro power sector for over four decades. FLOVEL is a full-line supplier of electromechanical equipment and services for small and medium size hydro power plants manufacturer of hydraulic turbines, valves and turnkey supplier of electro mechanical packages for hydro power projects and ranks amongst the leading players globally. FLOVEL manufacturers complete range of Pelton, Francis, Kaplan, Axial Flow turbines and Valves for hydropower projects. The strength of FLOVEL is in its ability to offer all-inclusive solutions (Electro Mechanical-Turnkey Packages).
Suite 101-A, Tower-B,
12/3, Mathura Road,
Faridabad – 121 003,
Haryana, INDIA