It is a «Gateway Solution» developed by FLOVEL to communicate with «Load Dispatch Centre (LDC)». This solution can be used worldwide, where load dispatch centre communication is needed with power plants. FloGW is software based on logical structure of latest edition IEC-60870-5-104 protocol server. This is providing tag monitoring function, which enables user to monitor live/real time data exchanges between server & client. Data exchange in FloGW can be monitored on different protocol layers. FloGW is designed with below mentioned protocols:
- Modbus TCP/IP
- IEC 60870-5-104
All protocol interface, configuration & facilities are provided with user friendly interface. This keeps FloGW simplified & easily configurable.
FloGW perform backend data processing, control, data logging and monitoring, which makes the software responsive to the events. Currently this solution is running at various power projects in India, Nepal and Vietnam. Our solution provides an efficient way for LDC communication.
FLOVEL name has been synonymous with the hydro power sector for over four decades. FLOVEL is a full-line supplier of electromechanical equipment and services for small and medium size hydro power plants manufacturer of hydraulic turbines, valves and turnkey supplier of electro mechanical packages for hydro power projects and ranks amongst the leading players globally. FLOVEL manufacturers complete range of Pelton, Francis, Kaplan, Axial Flow turbines and Valves for hydropower projects. The strength of FLOVEL is in its ability to offer all-inclusive solutions (Electro Mechanical-Turnkey Packages).
Suite 101-A, Tower-B,
12/3, Mathura Road,
Faridabad – 121 003,
Haryana, INDIA