Taking ahead FLOVEL’s success story in the field of Service & Rehabilitation, we feel proud to mention about completion of rehabilitation works and successful commissioning of “Iruttukanam SHEP (3 X 1.5 MW + 20% COL)”.
The entire project was devastated during the unprecedented floods in Kerala, followed by huge landslides on 14.08.2018. First post-damage glimpse of Power-House was really disturbing, as all electro-mechanical equipment were submerged under water & huge piles of muck and rubble. After initial cleaning of muck and debris, Client wanted our assistance for immediate assessment of damage and possibility of quickest restoration of generation to maintain the commercial viability of the project.
Our team of experts visited the site, assessed the condition of every equipment and submitted a detailed report for replacement/ restoration of equipment. Customer bestowed faith on us and issued us the Order immediately. Biggest post order challenge for us was to dismantle entire turbine, transport to our factory, refurbish/ restore to original condition, complete the supply of entire M-BOP and E- BOP items, and also to install and commission the project within 6 months.
We accepted the challenge and accomplished the task within time to the full satisfaction of Client. Last Unit of Project was commissioned on 25th June 2019. This achievement added another feather on FLOVEL’s cap and was widely praised/ applauded by Client. Seeing our commitment, Client issued us another order for supply, installation and commissioning of SCADA system for this project. This additional order was also successfully executed by us recently.
FLOVEL name has been synonymous with the hydro power sector for over four decades. FLOVEL is a full-line supplier of electromechanical equipment and services for small and medium size hydro power plants manufacturer of hydraulic turbines, valves and turnkey supplier of electro mechanical packages for hydro power projects and ranks amongst the leading players globally. FLOVEL manufacturers complete range of Pelton, Francis, Kaplan, Axial Flow turbines and Valves for hydropower projects. The strength of FLOVEL is in its ability to offer all-inclusive solutions (Electro Mechanical-Turnkey Packages).
Suite 101-A, Tower-B,
12/3, Mathura Road,
Faridabad – 121 003,
Haryana, INDIA